The Turkish President visited Turkish Cyprus with a group of his government’s ministers, such as foreign affairs, defense, energy and natural resources, and met with Turkish Cypriot officials, led by the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Arsin Tatar, and its Prime Minister, in the Cypriot capital, Lefkosa.
It is noteworthy that a long conflict arose between the Turkish Cypriots on the one hand, and the Greek Cypriots on the other hand, as they were sharing in living on this island, but the desire of the Greeks, and behind them the Republic of Greece, to join the latter, triggered the conflict, prompting the Turkish Cypriots to declare on the fifteenth of November. November 1983, the Turks of the island announced the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus On the fifteenth of November 1983, the Turks of the island announced the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus The establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1983, however, the division between the Turkish north and the Greek south It has been in place since 1974, as a result of the peace process implemented by the Turkish army at that time, in order to protect the rights of the Turkish minority from persecution, oppression and racism that was practiced against them.
Since that date, negotiations began in which both parts of Cyprus participated and under the auspices of the United Nations, but they did not produce any significant result. Therefore, the Turkish president was clear in his position on this issue in his recent visit by saying, “The basic condition for returning to negotiations on the island of Cyprus is the full recognition of the Republic of Cyprus.” Northern Turkish Cyprus,” and that “there is no room for wasting more time in negotiations,” and that “our road map is clear, based on achieving peace.”
– Legal advisor to Head Quarter Company
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