HeadQuarter Turkey

The Turkish Real Estate Registration Law No. 2644 dated 12/22/1934 is the law applicable to real estate ownership operations in Turkey in terms of stating the procedures and conditions related to this matter, whether for Turks or foreigners, so its articles came to indicate real estate legal actions that can be performed On the real estate within the scope of the original and ancillary rights in rem, and given the importance of real estate ownership in the various legal systems, it imposes the development of clear and explicit legal legislation to ensure the application of discreet measures that provide effective protection for the right of real estate ownership and its other branches, so that it allows the owner to exercise all forms of legal powers established by law On his real estate for use, exploitation, and disposition,

HeadQuarter Turkey

and all of this is done through the real estate registration law with its various articles that show what are the procedures required to register the real estate, transfer it, and publicize all kinds of dispositions on it, and based on that, Article “129” of the Judicial Provisions Code defines real estate as “other than movable what cannot be Transferring it from one place to another, such as floors and lands, is what is called real estate.” The real estate registration process is also known as “the procedure that includes recording the disposal of real estate in an official record belonging to a public employee in the competent registration department.” Several amendments have occurred to the aforementioned law, changing many Procedures and principles for disposing of real estate, through which the legislator tried to keep pace with the new conditions in order to serve the public interest.

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