HeadQuarter Turkey

The number of members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly or Parliament is 600 members, and this council exercises the legislative function in the country through the enactment of regular laws, and its members are elected every five years in general elections in 87 constituencies divided according to the eighty-one provinces, while three constituencies are counted in each of the capital, Ankara And Istanbul and two constituencies in Izmir and Bursa, where the reason for the increase in electoral constituencies in these cities is due to the population weight in them.

The law requires that in order to count the votes of the political entity and enter the Turkish parliament, it must obtain at least 7% of the valid votes.
Last Tuesday, the Supreme Elections Board (YSK) announced the final results at the national level in the voting process that took place on May 14, after deciding on the appeals submitted, and they were sent for publication in the Official Gazette, where the 28th session of the Turkish Parliament will be composed, after The participation rate in these elections reached 88.92% inside the country and 53.80% abroad.

HeadQuarter Turkey
The announcement stated that the Justice and Development Party won 268 parliamentary seats, the Nationalist Movement won 50 seats, while the Welfare Party won again 5 seats, the Green Left 61, the Turkish Workers 4, the Republican People 169, and the Good Party won 43.
In order to achieve a majority in the Turkish parliament, the political entity must achieve more than half of the 300 + 1 parliament seats, and when calculating the seats of the public coalition led by the President of the Republic, which consists of “Justice and Development”, “National Movement”, and “New Welfare”, We find that he achieved the majority in this session, by achieving 323 seats.

The achievement of the political entity of the parliamentary majority, in addition to obtaining the position of the President of the Republic in the presidential system, means the compatibility of the legislative and executive authorities in setting and implementing the general policy of the state, and thus the ease of achieving goals without significant influence on the part of the opposition.
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