HeadQuarter Turkey

Since 2012, Turkish legislation began allowing foreigners to own real estate in Turkey, by gradually easing the restrictions that were imposed on this subject, so the legal amendment No. 6302 of 2021 came to allow foreign citizens to acquire real estate in Turkey, where the Turkish legislator used the term “foreign citizen” He did not make it available to every “foreigner”, in an effort to restrict the purchase of real estate in Turkey to the foreign citizen exclusively and not to the stateless person, in addition to the fact that the legislator raised the upper limit of the area that was decided for the purchase of land by foreigners in Turkey,

HeadQuarter Turkey

Before the legal amendment, this limit ranged from 2.5 hectares to 30 hectares, with the Council of Ministers given the power to raise the maximum purchase limit to 60 hectares, provided that the percentage of the area purchased by a foreigner in any governorate does not reach 10% of the total area of this governorate, in order to prevent the acquisition of foreigners. On a large area of the governorate and the negative impacts that may lead to it, and in another legal amendment, the specified percentage, which was 10% of the total area of the governorate, was reduced to be based on the area of lands owned by individual ownership exclusively and not in addition to all state lands.

Not to mention that the aforementioned legal amendment canceled the restriction on the purpose of foreigners’ acquisition of real estate, which is restricted to the purposes of housing (residence) and work, and allowed them to own real estate regardless of the reason.

– Legal advisor to Head Quarter Company

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